Photo: Alessandro Blasi from Rieti Italy CC BY 2.0
Spiaggia di Campeggio diga salto
Campeggio Diga Salto is a beach located in the province of Rieti.
Information about the beach includes its type (sandy, rocky, pebbly), as well as mineralogical and sedimentological properties (grain size, D50), the slope of the emerged and submerged beach, and the surrounding area characteristics (such as the presence of dune cordons). Information on equipment is not available.The area is characterized by a grassy terrain with no equipped areas nearby. There are no nearby mouths of water or industrial areas, but there are urban areas with significant extension.
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Please help the next visitor by writing a few lines about the beach, are there toilets? Is it shallow? Is there a jetty or maybe a kiosk?
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Beaches close to Campeggio diga salto
Gola fosso grande ( fraz. cerretta)⟼ 0.8 km
Gola Fosso Grande is a beach located in the province of Rieti. It is important to note its beach type (such as sandy, rocky or pebbly), mineralogical and sedimentological characteristics like grain size and D50, as well as the slope of the submerged and emerged beach. Additionally, it is useful to describe the surrounding area, including the presence of dune cordons. Unfortunately, information about the area's equipment is not available. The area is characterized by grassy terrain, and there are no equipped areas, neighbouring mouths or ditches, urban or industrial areas with significant extension nearby.
Spiaggia rocca villiana⟼ 0.9 km
Rocca Villiana is a beach located in the province of Rieti. Information about the characteristics of the beach, including whether it is sandy, rocky, or pebbly, as well as the mineralogical and sedimentological features such as grain size (D50), the slope of the beach, and the surrounding area's main characteristics (such as the presence of dune cordons) are available. Information on any equipment in the area is not currently available. The ground is grassy, there are equipped areas, and there are no nearby mouths or ditches. Furthermore, there are no significant urban or industrial areas in the vicinity.
Gola ponte lungo⟼ 2 km
Gola Ponte Lungo is a beach located in the province of Rieti. Information on this beach typically features details about its terrain (sandy, rocky, pebbly, etc.), mineralogical and sedimentological properties (such as grain size and D50), slope of the beach both above and underwater, and important characteristics of the surrounding environment (such as the presence of dune cordons).Unfortunately, we don't have access to any equipment descriptions for the area. The terrain surrounding the beach is mostly grassy, and the beach itself is not equipped with any amenities.There are no nearby mouths or ditches, urban areas or industrial zones that play a significant role around the beach.
Gola fosso di varco⟼ 2.6 km
Gola Fosso Di Varco is a beach located in the province of Rieti. Information about the beach includes details on its composition (sandy, rocky, pebbly, etc.), mineralogy, sedimentology (grain size, D50), incline of the beach, both above and below water, as well as the surrounding area's main characteristics (such as presence of dune cordons).Unfortunately, there is no available information on the equipment found in the area. The terrain is grassy and there are no equipped areas or neighboring mouths/ditches or urban or industrial areas with significant extension nearby.
Borgo s. pietro: fosso petrella salto ⟼ 2.7 km
Borgo S. Pietro is a beach located in the province of Rieti. Information about the beach includes its type (sandy, rocky, pebbly), mineralogical and sedimentological characteristics such as grain size and D50, slope of the beach both above and below water, and surrounding features such as dune cordons. No information is available on area equipment. The area has a grassy terrain and is not equipped with any facilities. There are no nearby waterways or industrial or urban areas of significant size.
Spiaggia altobelli ( b.go s. pietro)⟼ 3 km
Altobelli is a beach located in the province of Rieti. Details provided include the type of beach (sandy, rocky, pebbly), mineralogical and sedimentological characteristics such as grain size and D50, slope of the emerged and submerged beach, and information about the surrounding area such as the presence of dune cordons. Unfortunately, information regarding area equipment is unavailable. The area has a grassy terrain with equipped areas present, but no nearby river mouths. There are urban areas in the vicinity, but no major industrial areas.
Gola campeggio teieto⟼ 4.1 km
Campeggio Teieto is a beach located in the province of Rieti. Details about the beach, such as whether it's sandy, rocky, or pebbly, as well as information on the mineralogical and sedimentological characteristics, such as grain size (D50), slope of the emerged and submerged beach, and main characteristics of the surrounding area, including the presence of dune cordons, can be found. Unfortunately, equipment information isn't available. The area is characterized by a grassy terrain and there are no equipped areas or neighboring mouths/ditches, urban areas with significant extension, or industrial areas with significant extension.
Gola fosso tufito ( ponte rigatti)⟼ 5 km
Gola Fosso Tufito is a beach located in the province of Rieti. It is important to know the type of beach (sandy, rocky, pebbly, etc.), mineralogical and sedimentological characteristics (such as grain size and D50), slope of the emerged and submerged beach, and any significant features in the surrounding area (e.g., presence of dune cordons). However, information on equipment in the area is not available. The terrain is grassy and there are no equipped areas or neighbouring mouths/ditches, urban areas with significant extension or industrial areas with significant extension.
Spiaggia teieto⟼ 5.1 km
Spiaggia Teieto is a beach located in the province of Rieti. Important information about the beach, such as its composition (sandy, rocky or pebbly), mineralogical and sedimentological characteristics (grain size and D50), the slope of both the emerged and submerged areas, and the surrounding features (such as the presence of dune cordons), are available. Unfortunately, information about the area's equipment is not available. The area has a grassy terrain with no equipped areas and no nearby river mouths. However, there are urban areas with significant extensions nearby, while industrial areas are absent.
Fosso fraz. vallesecca⟼ 5.5 km
Vallesecca Beach is located in the province of Rieti. Information about the beach includes its type, such as sandy, rocky, or pebbly, as well as its mineralogical and sedimentological characteristics, like grain size and D50. Other important details like the slope of the beach and its surroundings, such as the presence of dune cordons, are also provided. Unfortunately, no information on the area equipment is available. The area is characterized by grassy terrain and there are no equipped areas, no neighboring mouths or ditches, no urban areas with a significant extension, and no industrial areas with a significant extension.
Beaches Italy
Source: Ministry of Health, users of the site and the province of Rieti.
Weater forecast:
Source of satellite-read water temperature: Copernicus Sentinel satellite data from the European Space Agency.
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