Spiaggia di Altezza ruderi
Altezza Ruderi is a beach located in the province of Rome.
Information about the beach includes details about its physical features such as whether it is sandy, rocky or pebbly, its mineralogical and sedimentological characteristics including the grain size (D50), the slope of the beach both above and below water, and the surrounding environment such as the presence of dune cordons.Unfortunately, equipment information is not available for the area. The surrounding area lacks equipped areas, neighbouring estuaries/ditches, urbanized or industrial zones.
Please help the next visitor by writing a few lines about the beach, are there toilets? Is it shallow? Is there a jetty or maybe a kiosk?
Beaches close to Altezza ruderi
Villa Pontificia is a beach located in the province of Rome. Information about this beach includes its physical characteristics such as whether it's sandy, rocky, or pebbly, as well as its mineralogical and sedimentological properties such as grain size (D50) and slope. Additionally, the main features of the surrounding area, like the presence of dune cordons, are also noted.However, there is no information available about the equipment or facilities in the area. Furthermore, there are no equipped areas, neighbouring estuaries/ditches, significant urbanization or industrial areas in the vicinity.
4350 Mt Dx Emissario is a beach located in the province of Roma. The details provided include the beach type (sandy, rocky, pebbly), mineralogical and sedimentological characteristics (such as grain size and D50), and the slope of the beach, both above and below the waterline. Furthermore, the description mentions the surrounding area characteristics, such as the presence of dune cordons. This is no information available on the equipment in the area. Additionally, the description mentions that the beach does not have any equipped areas, neighbouring estuaries or ditches, urbanized areas with significant extension, or industrial areas with significant extension.
3000 Mt Dx Emissario is a beach located in the province of Rome. Information on this beach includes its characteristics such as whether it is sandy, rocky, or pebbly, as well as its mineralogical and sedimentological features such as grain size (D50), the slope of the emerged and submerged sections of the beach, and the presence of dune cordons in the surrounding area. Equipment information for this area is currently unavailable. The area is primarily a beach with equipped areas and does not have any neighboring estuaries or mouths but does have an urbanized area of significant size nearby. There are no significant industrial areas present in the surrounding environment.
1200 Dx Museo is a beach located in the province of Roma. Information about the beach includes its type (such as sandy, rocky, or pebbly), mineralogical and sedimentological characteristics (including grain size and D50), slope of the emerged and submerged beach, and the surrounding area (including the presence of dune cordons). This is currently no available information regarding equipment in the area. The structure of the area is mixed, and there are no equipped areas, neighboring mouths/mouths, urbanized areas with significant extension, or industrial areas with significant extension present.
1750 Mt Dx Emissario is a beach located in the province of Roma. Information regarding its features such as whether it is sandy, rocky or pebbly, its mineralogical and sedimentological characteristics (including grain size and D50), the slope of both the emerged and submerged areas, and surrounding area characteristics (such as the presence of dune cordons) are available. However, information about area equipment is not provided. The area is classified as a beach and has equipped areas, but no neighboring estuaries/mouths. An urbanized area with significant extension is present, but there are no significant industrial areas.
2000 Dx Museo is a beach located in the province of Roma. Details regarding the beach's characteristics such as its composition (sandy, rocky, pebbly), mineralogy, sedimentology (including grain size and D50), slope, surrounding area (including the presence of dune cordons), and equipment are currently unavailable. The area is mixed in structure and does not have any equipped areas or neighboring mouths, urbanized areas, or industrial areas with significant extensions.
Dx Orfeo is a beach located in the province of Rome. It is characterized by its type of beach, which can be sandy, rocky, or pebbly, as well as mineralogical and sedimentological features such as grain size and D50. Additionally, the beach has a slope both in the emerged and submerged areas and the surrounding area may have dune cordons. The area also features equipment such as bathing establishments and boat landings. Moreover, in terms of structure, the beach has equipped areas and neighboring mouths, and is situated near an urbanized area. However, there are no significant industrial areas in the vicinity.
Sx Orfeo is a beach located in the province of Roma. Details about the beach, including its type (sandy, rocky or pebbly), mineralogical and sedimentological characteristics such as grain size and D50, as well as the slope of both the emerged and submerged areas are provided. Additionally, the main characteristics of the surrounding area, such as the presence of dune cordons, are described. Information about area equipment, including the presence of bathing establishments, is also provided. The area is structured as a beach and is not equipped with any neighboring areas. However, there are nearby urbanized areas that are significantly extended. Industrial areas are not present in the vicinity.
Sx Rio Torto is a beach located in the province of Roma. Detailed information about the beach's physical attributes such as the type of terrain (sandy, rocky, pebbly, etc.), mineralogy and sedimentology (grain size, D50), the slope of both the emerged and submerged areas, as well as key characteristics of the surrounding areas (such as the presence of dune cordons) are available. Additionally, the beach has boat landing facilities, without any equipped areas nearby. The neighboring area is urbanized and includes several mouths, however, there are no significant industrial areas in close proximity.
Dx Crocetta is a beach located in the province of Rome, but there are no activities available.