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Beaches in Puglia

Torre di sfinale
Torre Di Sfinale is a beach located in the province of Foggia.

Ditta carone bart.
Ditta Carone Bart is a rocky beach located in the province of Bari.

San cataldo-stab.stella del sud
This is a sandy beach located in the province of Lecce.

300 mt n hotel costa brada
This is a sandy beach located in the province of Lecce.

Supermercato gs (200 m nord)
This is a pebbly beach located in the province of Bari.

Torre di monte pulci
Torre Di Monte Pulci is a cliff beach located in the province of Foggia.

Torre chianca
Torre Chianca is a sandy beach located in the province of Lecce.

4 - da foce capoiale verso foce varano
This is a beach located in the province of Foggia, with anthropic activities taking place.

Morgicchio lido sabbia d'oro
This is a beach located in the Brindisi province with a rocky coastline and a sandy beach lying at its base.

Porto badisco-attracco barche
This is a rocky coast beach located in the province of Lecce.

Foce del bacino tamari
This is a rocky coastline situated in the province of Lecce that forms a beach.

Fogna bari orientale 500 mt nord
This is a rocky coastline at a beach located in the province of Bari.

Serra degli alimini a nord scarico
This is a rocky coastal beach located in the province of Lecce.

Massa del sale
Massa Del Sale, located in the province of Foggia, is a pebbled beach.

Porto paradiso
Falesia, located within the province of Bari, is a beautiful beach known as Porto Paradiso.

Scarico faro 30 mt sn
This is a sandy, man-made beach located in the province of . Visitors can engage in various activities there by follo...

Masseria cucuruzzi
Masseria Cucuruzzi is a cliff beach located in the province of Lecce.

Arenile s.maria di leuca
Yes, Crag is a beach located in the province of Lecce. It is susceptible to short-lived pollution events.

Campomarino-molo sinistro
This is a sandy beach located in the province of Taranto.

Faro di s.maria di leuca
Falesia is a beach located in the province of Lecce.